A Leader in Innovative Integrated Solutions...
e-Patriot™ Compliance Support.
This optional module helps your compliance officer do their job. Depending upon the options selected, you can maintain
a Monetary Instrument and Wire Log, warn and generate SARs, generate CTRs and check the OFAC list.
e-BSA™ Integrated FinCEN Batch Filing.
In 2012 FinCEN mandated electronic filing of CTRs and SARs. Most of you have already experienced spending the time
required to type each filing, by hand, while logged in on the FinCEN website. With this optional module and e-Patriot™,
you can prepare those filings in your Tellermetrix system and send groups of them as a batch to FinCEN.
Integrated Pay-O-Matic Bill Payment.
Included with e-Scope®, POM agents can record customer bill payments and seamlessly send their bill payment file to POM.
Our upcoming release of POM's latest version will include real-time transaction processing, an expanded group of billers,
and a range of special bill processing options, including POM's same day credit option.